What is bounce rate?

Bounce rate can be defined simply as the percentage of users who visit your site and only view the homepage before leaving. Although the ideal bounce rate depends somewhat on the type of site, data from Semrush suggests that a bounce rate within the range of 26%-40% is the ideal. Outside of this range, there may be some problems with a website. According to RocketFuel (gorocketfuel.com) a bounce rate of 25% or lower and 70% or higher indicates that there is some sort of issue. But how are bounce rates calculated? Google Analytics defines bounce rate as a calculation of “single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server”. Put more simply: Bounce Rate = Single page visits/All page visits.

What factors contribute to a high bounce rate?

Several factors can contribute to a high bounce rate. Irrelevant ads leading to irrelevant content, poor website navigation, and broken elements are some common causes. If your website has a sudden spike in bounce rate, it can be an indication that something is amiss. Irrelevant content can lead users to click away from your website if their expectations for your site were not met. To avoid this, make sure any ads, titles, or descriptions pertaining to your site align with the actual content and purpose of the site. Poor navigability of a site is fairly self-explanatory: if a website is hard to use, people will leave. A broken element such as a button or link that no longer works will show up (with previously functioning websites) as a sudden spike in bounce rate. However, it is important to remember that there are some contributing factors that aren’t necessarily negative. Since bounce rate only takes into account if a user visited more than the landing page or not, single-page sites such as blogs will have a high bounce rate when used correctly. Additionally, bounce rates do not reflect the amount of time a user spends on a page. Theoretically, someone could look at your landing page for 40 minutes before leaving your site, and they would still contribute to a high bounce rate. However, if you own an e-commerce site such as an online store, you want customers to browse different pages of products and eventually make their way to a checkout page to purchase an item. In this case, a high bounce rate would be bad.

Why bounce rate matters to website owners

Bounce rate itself is an indicator of underlying problems with your website. These problems mainly affect conversion rate, and in some cases, search engine ranking. Conversion rate is the percentage of website users who perform a desired interaction (such as subscribing to an email newsletter, filling out a form, or making a purchase). Most of the time, these desired interactions do not happen on the landing page. Therefore a low conversion rate can be tied to a high bounce rate, and, unfortunately for online businesses, a decrease in revenue. Bounce rates also impact SEO, but not directly. While there is no direct link between bounce rate itself and search engine ranking, a high bounce rate is a symptom of underlying issues, which in themselves can contribute to a lower ranking. Google values user experience, and if visitors are leaving your site quickly, it could signal that your website is not providing relevant and valuable content.

How to “fix” your bounce rate

First and foremost, it is important to ensure that your website is user-centered and working properly before you deploy it. Good designers will keep the user experience and overall navigability of the site in mind during the development process, and software developers should always be checking to make sure the site is functioning properly. However, that still leaves the possibility that a part of your website will break later. For example, maybe your page links to an external site that ceases to exist without your knowledge. This is where automated testing comes in, and we humbly suggest Miyar as a testing tool!

How does Miyar help analyze and improve bounce rate?

Miyar is an innovative website testing and quality assurance service that can help you analyze your website’s bounce rate. By recording user interactions such as scrolling, clicking, hovering, and inputting, Miyar provides detailed reports on user behavior and bounce rate metrics. With Miyar, you can gain valuable insight into how users are engaging with your website. Miyar offers early detection of issues that cause high bounce rate, allowing you to take prompt action to resolve them. By streamlining the testing process for continuous monitoring, Miyar ensures that you stay on top of potential problems and improve user engagement.


Bounce rate is a critical metric for website owners to monitor and improve upon. By understanding its significance and using tools like Miyar to analyze and optimize user engagement, you can enhance your website’s performance and provide a better experience for your visitors. Try Miyar today and witness the positive impact it can have on your website’s bounce rate and user engagement.